Practical projects and crafts

Author: Louise (Page 1 of 6)

Winter Dawn

This is the frustrating part of winter, too early to start seeds, long enough after the start of winter that it feels long and dark. Adding to to that the massive uncertainty of the world at large…is a thing…

My goal this year is to start my garden plants from seed (it’s been a couple years). And my second goal is not to start them too early. I always mess this up and then I have to shuffle plants and try to squeeze them in as they get huge. So this year I’m going to try and wait so they’re a nice size to plant don’t get huge and hard to manage. *fingers crossed!*

But the downside is that means waiting not having plants until later. *sigh*

Just have to come up with other projects in the mean time. There are plenty of projects after all. 🙂

Sunday morning

Well, it is now very, very cold today; even for those of us who live in the Upper Midwest. This kind of cold used to happen on a regular basis when I was a kid (recess was inside in the gym or the hallways outside the classrooms, lots of Uno was played). But it’s more rare now, maybe once a year? We’re on our second round this month. I just wish we had some snow to go with it… alternating between April and 1995 January isn’t great for snow coverage…

Sometimes I look at the weather when it’s doing this over the last few years and try to imagine what this will look like or feel like in 10 years or harder, thirty years. This is a place I’ve known all my life but it’s not the same place (obviously! but this is the fundamental parts of it, the plants, the weather, etc) and it is almost certainly going to be a very different one when my kids are my age. The fact that the range of futures extends to include a whole bunch of ones from sci-fi books I’ve read is hard. I read the good sci-fi, so it’s not just cool space vacations! 🙂 How do you plan for that? It seems like most of my adult life it just keeps repeating where the world has something that is touted as definite and rock solid and it just goes right off a cliff and then everyone assures themselves that of course it was inevitable and no big deal.

It feels like a lack of agency, or a choice to lack agency because that also means a lack of responsibility. It helps to read history books (good ones) and see the crises and dilemmas from the past and also how people got through them even if some of them failed morally or for other reasons and the path to making a good outcome was winding and uncertain. Honestly, that’s the most reassuring thing I’ve found at the moment. That means choosing agency and responsibility though, the people who made a good outcome did a lot of hard things with no way of knowing how it would turn out, and it’s not just sitting quietly like waiting out a thunder storm.

So I’ll do my best, and I will advocate for good things where it will matter most and I will plant native flowers all around my house and grow a big garden and teach my kids to knit and sew and play piano and the names of the trees in our woods and all the good things like that. And I will win at my game of all of how local can I get for all the things and I will go for walks and read books and pet my cats and make awesome things.

So that’s some good stuff and good to think about.

Projects to do

So things have been cleaned! At least to a new, improved standard as a parent of small children! Sometimes that’s the best indication that our smallest is a toddler on her way to being a small child. Sometimes when everything feels overwhelming I remind myself how far we’ve come. The smallest sleeps through the night and plays with her brothers and can play outside and I have cleaning routines for key house stuff. The trees that were messing with the RA are gone, most of the carpet that messes with the RA is gone, I have air filters that minimize the things that annoy the RA that do get in.

I canned a lot of stuff and we have an awesome supply of things to eat. I learned two new skills (embroidery and lotion making). I’m on my way with more skills (upholstery, candle making, more soap/lotion things, felting, pressure canning). I have plans for systems to fix or at least work around some of the stuff that derailed last summer and systems to make doing things and having fun possible to coexist. So that’s all awesome and it’s important to remember how much we’ve done and how much better that all is. Sometimes it’s just hard to remember it, probably because life during the small child phase of things can be hard and chaotic even with the best efforts and wow-oh-wow the world at large. But here, we’ve done an awesome amount of things that make a lot better and more fun.

And the smallest will be 3 this spring and then may be in the presence of legos (and other tiny objects) and is getting pretty good at stairs so we can remove gates and she can play in the basement (which is currently a mystical land of wonderful tiny toys she only gets to visit) and hopefully we’ll be done with diapers soon. And she can play outside with someone watching her but soon she will be able to play with supervision but not the sort that requires hovering just behind her. That really improves the odds that gardening and yard work happens this summer!

For now though it’s small projects, seeing about growing some herbs in the window again and doing inside projects we have lined up (shelves! among others…).

Right at the start

It’s a new year! And all I want to do is have a big cleaning day. 🙂

There’s something about the holidays, they’re fun and I love putting up decorations and baking and doing fun things. But afterwards, I want to clean everything from top to bottom. Probably because of all the fun chaos. And also small children. So my first project of the year is going to be cleaning everything nicely. We’ve got a good start but I think the first projects are going to be cleaning (dusting, washing, vacuuming, etc) each room and as much sorting, organizing and putting way of things as possible.

I think my goals for this year are:

  • Finish projects I have the things for or am part way finished with. This also means using up old project supplies because life has gone through a lot of changes and using the fabric or seeds or other things I got for a different life in a different place will make living this life in this place easier. And it could be fun finding ways to use them. 🙂
  • Fixing me, or rather fixing my body as much as I can. This means exercising in a consistent way as close to every day as possible. I’ve made some progress on this one (we’re back to jogging!) but it needs to be more consistent and I need to ramp it up slowly… I’ve done this multiple times before; it’s just hard because chaos and kids and more autoimmune stuff than previous times. But if I can do it it will make everything else easier.
  • More time outside, I want to take the kids swimming more, I want to go hiking more I want to go to the places that I can go to when I can go there more. I want to show the kids cool places here as much as I can when I can.

Those should be good goals. 🙂

Projects for 2025

So, if there’s a new year coming, there should be new projects to plan for!


There’s definitely plenty to sew…first up, the sofa slipcover. I have two cushions done so two cushions to go and then the main part of the sofa. And then really, I should do the other sofa too… It’s not exactly fun sewing but it’s a big improvement! Mostly it’s very careful geometry and then cutting and sewing and measuring big bulky pieces of fabric. So, not fun, but worth it…

I also want to make chair cushions, specifically ones with wool padding. This I think would be fun. I want to learn how to make good wool cushions and small chair cushions seem like a good place to start.

I also want to get back into sewing clothes. I have fabric for a dress for me and fabric for clothes for the kids. That’s fancier sewing (so harder) but also more fun. Here’s hoping that the tiniest child will be old enough for that to be workable. I like sewing clothes and when I can do it regularly I can make them pretty efficiently and I can adjust patterns to fit way better than clothes from the store.

Also, making your own stuff (as long as you have time to stay good at it) is a great way to be more environmentally friendly. You have to go more slowly when you make your own clothes. The hardest part is just finding good quality fabric, otherwise they wear out faster than I like or fade too quickly.

I also want to sew small fun things for the kids for their birthdays and Christmas and things.


So this year I made bookmarks as Christmas presents with different pictures for everyone. Next year I want to embroider a cool Christmas picture because it looks awesome and fancy, I think I have to work my way up to that though…

I also want to make nice embroidered napkins using some of the extra green linen I have. I think it’d be fun to have fancy napkins for holidays and birthdays or just to be fancy sometimes. The goal would be to make 8, that way we have 7 for family get togethers plus an extra.

I’d also like to come up with some other fun embroidery for holiday gifts (I think the bookmarks were a pretty great idea!)

I’d also like to embroider clothes, like make a solid colored dress and embroider the color or cuffs. That sounds really fun.


Well, there’s going to be sweaters for the kids. I’m currently deciding between making another set of cardigans or a set of Bumble sweaters. I’ve made those before they’re warm and stretchy and comfy, so good for kids.

I’d also like to knit flip mittens/gloves for the kids kids and me, and maybe as other gifts. That’s going to be a lot fancier knitting, so we’ll see!

That and I’d like to finish the blanket I’m knitting. I’d like to make a few more wool blankets over the next few years. The kids are big enough now they can hijack the ones we’ve got, so I think it’s time to add a few more.


Well, this will be a big project this year or more accurately big projects. There are three big things, getting the main vegetable garden into production for real this year, planting a whole lot of native flowers in the front (and back and elsewhere) and fixing things up so there are good paths connecting parts of the yard and cleaning up the area that was under the pine tree that came down this year.

So those aren’t really complicated projects, they’re just big ones.

The vegetable garden will be pretty straightforward. This year I’m going to plant:

Hot peppers
Slicing tomatoes
Cherry tomatoes
Peas (probably snap)
Bush beans
Lettuce and salad ingredients
Pumpkins (and mini pumpkins!)
Summer squash
Winter squash
Bell peppers

I’m also going to try to start as many as possible from seed. I think the plan for that is to not start them too early. The last few years have had cold springs which just makes everything a mess trying to keep seedlings from over growing their containers.

I’m also going to try and start perennials from seed for the front. That’s going to be:


Plus probably some annuals:


Ideally the whole front will be flowers and herbs and some vegetables in a few key places and the back will be a big vegetable garden.

And the former pine tree will be nice grass. I think if we take the edging out and put down at least some grass seed it should take care of itself, based on how quickly the grass got everywhere else…

Canning and Food Preservation

Food preservation plans are like last year but more. I’m hoping to try a batch in the pressure canner since I want to learn how to use that. And I want to add more pickles and tomato sauce. And actually can the jam as we get the fruit. Plus canning just straight fruit too. And add some pre-made stuff like salsa and ketchup. Just a few goals. 🙂 So that’s:

Tomatoes, whole
Tomato sauce
Pizza sauce
Strawberry jam
Raspberry jam
Grape jam
Apple butter
Plum jam
Blueberry jam
Pickled hot peppers
Dill pickles
Canned corn or peas or beans

And I want to keep doing roasted tomatoes, probably freezing at least some beans, corn and peas until I know if the canning works and freezing some fruit. I also want to do a better job dehydrating herbs and catnip this year.

And set up good cold storage for potatoes, onions, garlic and squash. We have ok cold storage, but we can make it better I think.

New Skills – Felting, Quilling, Soap and Candle Making

Then there’s new skills! I want to be able to learn to felt wool to make fun things for the kids for gifts and also make wool cushions. I want to learn quilling to make cards and things. I want to make lotion I can use and candles for fun and gifts. And if I can make those then I should be better at making more household items, cleaning mixes and other things….

Home Projects

And there’s still stuff to do here for the house, there’s the last two areas of carpet to replace, lots of bookshelves to make, basement work spaces to set up, the greenhouse to set up, doors to put on the kitchen and closet storage to improve.

So that’s at least a year’s worth of things to do.

Thinking about the new year

It’s December and to me that always feels like the time to think about how has this year been and what do I want to try to make happen next year. I really like to know where I’m aiming to go on New Year’s Eve, kind of like being at the start of a race or the top of a hill on a bike, ready to go.

So how was 2024? My main goals were to find good ways for us to interact with the wider world and go places were my main goals. And some of that happened and some of it didn’t. Life likes to have surprise challenges after all. We didn’t go as many fun places as I’d hoped (tiny children + immunocompromised state + health things to manage = a whole pile of hard to overcome each time) but we did go places. And we’ve done all the big family things I’d hoped. Not always in the ideal way but we made them happen.

And the kids had a lot of playing outside and reading books and just good kid stuff. And we didn’t drop family traditions, which definitely matters. So yay!

Next year’s goal, more swimming and working on our yard and more hiking.

One silver lining to things this year was that we ended up picking up projects and things I wouldn’t have thought we’d be able to do. There are 200 lb of tomatoes plus some pickles and things all successfully canned and hanging out in the basement. Which is awesome!

Next year’s goal is to take that and make it more, can the jam as we get the fruit, and can fruit and veggies directly. And double the tomato sauce, because really good tomato sauce on hand is the best. Also, canning isn’t at risk if we have a power outage, which is a big deal.

One thing I tried to do this year was add more of the world at large to what I think about and what I see and do. And….yeah….I only managed some of that, and honestly I don’t think it works exactly for me. The world is headed in other directions for awhile and there just isn’t enough contexts where someone like me can participate for that to be workable. It’s not like I want to give up on the world it’s just that I need to be ok, and I need my family to be ok and honestly I need to be functional.

The efforts of the Everything-is-Fine! crowd and the Everything-is-Doom! crowd and the efforts of big companies pushing both of the above just doesn’t work for me. So I’m going to look for online communities I can be a part of which works for the health stuff and the immunocompromised stuff. Hopefully some low key ones where there can be participation but at a level I can manage. This was a thing I did more as a teenager and in college, but parenting and working and health things don’t leave a lot of time. Also being an introvert applies to the Internet too. Got to be something out there though!

Some of the seeing the world was good though. Just have to find a way that works for me. I got to go to a couple of bookstores and an antique/thrift store. I want more of that (when workable) and more going outdoors, both here and hiking. Some of that is hard with kids, but hopefully we/I can add more of that next year. Part of the hard part is people are stressful (I mean, they’ve always been stressful on some level, but the fact that they could wreck my health or life at any moment really takes that stress up to 11…) but I’m sure I can find places to go and ways to do it that work.

And I think for my projects, yarn, books and things like that my new challenge will be finding ways to get the things I want from places that exist here. I think that will help with focusing on my community here and make sure if I’m getting things it’s things I really want and need which is important for environmental and sanity reasons. If I can source a very high percentage of my food from here I should be able to do something similar for fun stuff. 🙂 This is probably made easier by the fact that “fun things” are books, yarn, fabric, garden seeds and plants, puzzles, board games and the occasional video game. So seeds, plants and wool textiles are definitely available here and made here! There’s a local bookstore and game store and puzzles are certainly around a bunch of places so that covers a lot of ground. Fabric is harder, especially since I want fabric for clothing, that’s probably going to involve going online. There are fabric stores here but they’re really mostly for quilting. And I like quilting, but clothing is my favorite.

The other thing I want is to focus on here as in what’s around me and what I’m doing here. Which at the moment means my home and the space directly around me. I have lots of projects and a big yard to turn into gardens and happy spaces to be. And I have food to make and books to read and skills to learn to make and do more things. And movies to watch and games to play and kids and cats to hug. And really, the world at large is constantly trying to push it’s way to the center of my attention and really I don’t want that. The Internet or the world or companies or ads or whatever always seems to want more attention and more focus and worry and thought (and presumably more money as a result of that) but it eats up so much there’s nothing left for what I want especially after work, parenting, health stuff, paperwork, chores and the rest. So I want to turn off the distractions and just be me for a bit. Hopefully get to read books I like and make things and focus on here.

I’m not going to hide from the world and the terrible things that are out there. I have a couple of reliable news sources that update 1x per day to read and there’s public radio to listen to and magazines to read which are great sources of information (yay science! and textiles! and history! and gardens!) But it doesn’t need to take over everything I think about because I have people to take care of and things I need and want to do. And there’s a lot more happiness and fulfillment from that!


I’ve decided this post should have the sunny picture with the blue skies. The other was snow with dawn just coming out of the gloom. Sunny blue skies seemed like the best choice to focus on though.

There are 3 weeks between now and the holiday break. The holiday break is 2 weeks off this year, yay!, but there’s a lot of ‘looming concerns’ in the wider world. So….yeah.

But home is nice. Home has cats cuddling in sunbeams (sudden, actual cold weather will do that!) and tiny children with cozy wool blankets and piles of books. And there are gardens to plan (really, actually for real this time!!!) and small projects to do and it is fine here.

I think that’s the most important thing to focus on and make true. It doesn’t have to be perfect or flashy or anything, it just needs to be fine and content and happy. Those are what I want to work on.

Small children mean big projects and ideas are not super feasible (except canning 200+ lb of tomatoes, or replacing the floor or other things that were huge to do and then disappear in to a new, but better!, status quo). But small and medium projects can happen a bit at a time and those are good.

Maybe we can replace some remaining bits of floor, build bookshelves and canning jar shelves and I can recover another two sofa cushions.

And there can be fun kids things, get a tree from the tree farm, decorate cookies, drive down and see the lights downtown at night make gingerbread houses out of graham crackers, watch the nutcracker and other good things.

And for all of us, read lots of books, make tasty things, make small projects, pet cats.

There, those are good holiday goals. 🙂

Oh, and all the holiday gift making is done and it’s only December 1. I win this year.

Season change

It’s that time again, fall is ending, officially and probably in terms of the weather. It feels kind of like there were mostly just lots of encores of summer, but I guess officially it’s fall and all we have a few weeks of it left.

So time to prepare a new pile of books for the upcoming season! Some previous books return, some I’ve read before but not recently and a whole lot of favorites. The world is not a great place so it’s time to re-read some favorite series. Plus some for projects and/or skills to learn. Those are always good ones too.

So for reasons that are probably obvious the current emotions are exhaustion and rage and how-do-we-deal-with-this and a tinge of despair looking at the size of the various dooms looking over the horizon and it’s hard to plan or look forward to or prepare or work towards anything. But…giving up doesn’t work either? So I guess I’ll just look at the horizon outside of my window and not that big one over there with the giant monstrosities lurking at the edges and do my best. Because I have to get up each morning and things need to get done and getting those things done will help whether a giant monster wanders over here or goes somewhere else and I just have to watch it destroying things on the news.

Food Preservation and Gardening

Winter involves no food preservation! Or planting stuff to preserve! It is going to involve going over plans for next spring and hopefully actually really making it happen this year. The smallest will be 3 so it should be easier right? It’s not really a fun sort of planning since most of the what-to-plants are clear and it’s about getting the basics to work again, not about having fun experiments. But hey, this year we had tomatoes and peppers and it worked. Also our herb plants really took off so there have been lots of fresh herbs. Now it’s just getting the basics all going in the same direction again. And if we can do that, then there can be the fun parts of gardening. And we did make lots of space up front which will be flowers or vegetables or both, so there’s that too.

And I am hoping to start seeds (it might be a try and do it and if it fails get plants year). Here’s hoping it works! That’s more for March or later though.


It’s on the list, for real! So that shows some things have improved. I made a Christmas present a few months ago and I made slipcovers for two of the cushions on the old sofa. I have two more to make and then a cover for the frame. Making a slipcover I can wash rather than reupholstering the whole thing seemed the way to go with 3 tiny people and 4 cats. When the tiny people are less sticky and messy then I can be fancier. The first two covers went well, so it’s onward to the rest!

And if that goes ok, maybe there can be sewing clothes for the kids in spring. I still have the fabric for those, and summer dresses for me. It’d be nice…so here’s hoping.


I am turning leftover yarn into a blanket. In this case I’m knitting hexagons that I’ll sew together into a sort of knitted quilt. It’s fun and I like it but part of my is terrified I’m ‘wasting’ the yarn. Which, it’s leftover sweater yarn, and everyone has hats and scarves and things and more wool blankets are definitely on the wish list. I think it’ll feel better when I start sewing them together and it’s obviously a blanket.

Having a simple project is nice though and it is easy to move around since it’s just 6-8 inch hexagons.

There are also things to make, small things for the kids, house projects (shelves, basement space set up, etc) and others.

And there’s also trying to do fun and happy things, baking cookies, going and seeing lights, doing the things that make all the rest of this worth doing. Puzzles with the kids (and by myself!) reading, watching silly movies.

So maybe that’s the biggest goal? Keep it all together and set it up to be better and make sure to do the things that make the rest of it worth it.

There, that’s the plan.

Fall is here

Well, after about two months of getting to see what bread feels like being baked in an oven Fall has actually arrived like someone flipped a switch. It’s dark, it’s currently rainy (for the first time in 2 months!!), many of the leaves have fallen (except for the darn buckthorn…) and all the cranes and geese are booking it north as fast as they can go, like someone who overslept on a day with an important meeting or test.

It’s like the world outside is out of alignment and isn’t sure what to do about it. Like a piece that isn’t seated right or someone with a or a gear that’s shifted. It being November 3 here in the world of human things and not knowing what sort of world I will be experiencing this time next week really, really, really doesn’t help.

But I’m here and we are here and the kids are here and this is the world we have to chose how to live in.

So, November, food preservation is done, we’re getting the yard cleaned up for winter a bit at a time. There were Pumpkin Hikes and pumpkin carving and adventures with the kids. The boys did their Christmas shopping (yes, it’s early, but with the world being what it is, that’s how we need to do it). Our tiniest girl got to toddle around the yard after her brothers and help find candy and treasures during the Great Pumpkin Hunt this year. She has worn her costume every day since. 🙂

I have books to read and projects to do. We’re into making Christmas presents now. I’ve down colorwork knitted cowls for my parents and our tiny girl. And I’ve made embroidered bookmarks for the boys and my parents. That’s been fun. I knit a lot so it’s fun doing a new craft. And I can re-combine or invent the patterns and then embroider them while I’m taking breaks or watching something or listening to something. And fabric bookmarks will be durable so I think they’ll be great!

The other new one I’m hoping to do is needle felting wool and making tiny fuzzy cats for the kids’ Christmas stockings. I have about two months yet. So we’ll see if I pull it off!

Next is food gifts. I’m going to make flavored honey, and hopefully honey roasted nuts. I’d like to try flavored vinegar, but we’ll see… And maybe I’ll give making vanilla extract a try. I’ll probably make chocolates too, and I’ve gotten a lot better at candies! I made honey popcorn balls that were great. I’m hoping to make caramels and peanut brittle and some other things with honey…fingers crossed!

Other than Christmas crafts the other fun project is to make paper holiday decorations this year. The theory being, they’re fun to make and if I make new ones each year I can have fun doing it the way I want and they can’t get dusty and upset the arthritis. And paper can be recycled so it’s not a big environmental cost. I’m also planning to try dehydrating orange slices and making things like that.

Other than that the next couple of months are small adventures with the kids as the holidays get closer (driving to look at lights, going for a hike in the woods, watching holiday movies, going to the tree farm, etc). And keeping up with regular chores, and taking a break after the summer and doing small projects inside (and some outside) to make doing day to day stuff easier.

I guess that’s basically the plan all the way through winter.

And then spring will be time to tackle the yard and outside and get a proper garden set up and get the garden ready so we can have a good garden next year.

Hopefully all good plans.


This week is October! Late summer/early fall was pretty action packed with a month or two of food preservation packed into two weekends. Now it’s hard to decide what to prioritize and plan. It’s kind of like after you finish a really good or intense book/series and you can’t decide what to read next.

Some of the obvious choices are catching up on cleaning and picking up and regular-everyday-chores that got behind. Some are just taking a break to get things away from the edge-of-the-breaking-point physically. And some are making sure to do some of the fun things. October has pumpkin hikes and apple orchards and other good things. For us it will probably also have the taking the kids to do their Christmas shopping and it will have our Great Pumpkin scavenger hunt in the yard. (The Great Pumpkin needs to decide on small pumpkins or luminaries to mark the prizes this year…) Last year it snowed, this year we’ll probably all be in shorts at the rate the weather is currently going.

So for now it’s watching the sunrise and just thinking about what we want to do and when and how. The window up here faces south and so the sun comes up over the neighbor’s trees and slowly paints the tops of ours bright, bright gold on a good morning. It’s beautiful to watch. And it’s a good reminder that sometimes just being is fine too.

As long as the key stuff still gets done around the edges and before and after too. 🙂

So today, probably regular laundry and scrubbing and doing the kitchen. Hopefully fun bonus things like maybe chocolate chip cookies or putting up those shelves in the basement.

The kids get Sunday Morning Cartoons (a mix we make with a weekly line up because that’s a much better way to interact with media). This also means bagels and orange juice for breakfast, which is also something they love. And Sunday night is also Popcorn & Choose-Your-Own-Dinner (as long as it’s simple), which is nice for their parents and fun for them. Sometimes small traditions are as important as big traditions.

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