It’s a new year! And all I want to do is have a big cleaning day. 🙂

There’s something about the holidays, they’re fun and I love putting up decorations and baking and doing fun things. But afterwards, I want to clean everything from top to bottom. Probably because of all the fun chaos. And also small children. So my first project of the year is going to be cleaning everything nicely. We’ve got a good start but I think the first projects are going to be cleaning (dusting, washing, vacuuming, etc) each room and as much sorting, organizing and putting way of things as possible.

I think my goals for this year are:

  • Finish projects I have the things for or am part way finished with. This also means using up old project supplies because life has gone through a lot of changes and using the fabric or seeds or other things I got for a different life in a different place will make living this life in this place easier. And it could be fun finding ways to use them. 🙂
  • Fixing me, or rather fixing my body as much as I can. This means exercising in a consistent way as close to every day as possible. I’ve made some progress on this one (we’re back to jogging!) but it needs to be more consistent and I need to ramp it up slowly… I’ve done this multiple times before; it’s just hard because chaos and kids and more autoimmune stuff than previous times. But if I can do it it will make everything else easier.
  • More time outside, I want to take the kids swimming more, I want to go hiking more I want to go to the places that I can go to when I can go there more. I want to show the kids cool places here as much as I can when I can.

Those should be good goals. 🙂